17 Hotels and Cabins Surrounded by Nature

Treehouse Suite / Deture Culsign, Architecture+Interiors. Image © Leonardo Palafox

Treehouse Suite / Deture Culsign, Architecture+Interiors. Image © Leonardo Palafox

Most of the world’s population today live in large, vibrant, energetic and sometimes chaotic cities. This is why, usually, when we think of taking some time off from our responsibilities and daily routines we picture ourselves lying in virgin beaches, relaxing in a faraway forest, or immersed in a tropical jungle.

Hospitality architecture has a wide variety of solutions for all types of travelers and tourists. For those wanting to disconnect completely from daily city life while being closely connected to nature, a good option could be small scale hotels, cabins, and lodges set directly in these natural environments.

These accommodations are designed in a way its natural surrounding becomes the most important asset while the building blends itself in it.  The idea is that building, landscape and nature merge together causing the less impact on the environment as possible. Materials aim to camouflage the refuges and harmonize the whole scenery.

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